
Thursday, September 20, 2018

Monday, April 20, 2015

Understanding the Chaos of Stress: A Navigational Chart



Monday, January 19, 2015

Spirit Science 15 ~ Power of the Heart

This Bach Flower Remedy Practitioner suggests Rescue Remedy for all situations where calm is desired, particularly in acute situations. There are 38 other choices to facilitate one achieving a state of calm. Matched to one's particular mood and personality, they can be even more effective than RR. However, Rescue Remedy is always a good place to start. Read my posts providing information for the proper, therefore most effective, use (and economical!). 

To Your Health!

*All articles, including "The Medicine Cabinet" articles, provide suggestions for various alternative possibilities for self help. Consulting with conventional medical practitioners is always understood as an avenue of healing which goes without saying, nor need for suggestion in our articles,  and our suggestions are never implying  that you should pursue health without conventional methods as also one of your choices, decisions and privileges as you pursue optimum health for yourself and loved ones.We take no responsibility for your decisions  and personal choices in your pursuit of your  health.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

How Do Bach Flower Remedies "Work"?

How do Bach Flower Remedies help you?

  for example,

Recover from an illness?

Sleep better? 

Overcome the blues?

Find courage?

Face fears calmly?

A practitioner starts by assessing how you are reacting to what it is that is making you feel "unbalanced" or "not your best self".

d nadeau

It is now well documented that our "state of mind' or our "emotions" or our "negative thinking"  has a strong effect on our physical health.
Dr Bach was aware of that nearly a century ago and has provided this 38 flower remedy system of healing to  help "calm us and center us"  mentally and emotionally so that our body is freed to do what it was created to do: re-balance itself (the medical term for this is: return to homeostasis), allow health to return.

You can determine appropriate remedies for yourseslf by asking  questions: 

Am I acting or reacting,
feeling or not feeling, what
  changes am I going through?

Do I:

Keep on pushing? BFRP suggests Oak

 Unable to move myself forwardBFRP would suggest Wild Rose

Getting  grumpy? BFRP would suggest Willow

Did I get an upsetting diagnosis from a doctor?
BFRP suggests Aspen.  

photo rights Nelson Bach

Flower remedies  support wellness by  treating

the person, not the disease.

So now, to answer the questions at the beginning of this article:

Recover from an illness?
BFRP might suggest that one would start with Olive

Sleep better? BFRP often  suggests to start with Whites Chestnut.

Overcome the blues?
Several  dodifferent degrees of the blues; BFRP might start with Gentian

Find courage?
Most likely, BFRP might suggest to start with Mimulus.

Face fears calmly?
A BFRP possibly could determine that Star Of Bethlehem would be the most appropriate for a particular individual

This simple system of healing was created by Dr. Edward Bach to be used by family members who have spent a little time learning the indications for the remedies and then be able to help their loved ones become "quite themselves again," which to this BFRP means well and happy!

Thursday, July 31, 2014


photo by NNU/Flickr: Scene of  rally
Click on link for HTF  article)


Vervain is a remedy that can keep the fires of one's passionate beliefs banked well enough  that a Vervain personality  finds a way to give others room for their own conclusions, passions, and responses to life. 

I  use Vervain when I become aware that people are not able to match my passion in like kind and want to move on in a conversation. Whether i am expounding to them about the Bach Flower Remedy System of Healing which I am passionate about, or as I advocate as a nurse for my patients, I am always close to the edge of burning my listeners, instead of warming them..  Hopefully, I  notice this drive or passion rising up and quickly realize that taking some Vervain for a day or two will bring  me into wholesome balance once again.


The Remedies do not change one's  personality. For example, they do not change a Vervain mood or personality into a Wild Rose or a Centaury personality (mild, laid-back, diffident). The remedy simply adjusts the Vervain fire in one to remain "banked", that is, in balance with one's true self and therefore respecting the true selves of the people one  loves and interacts with.

photo by d nadeau

As Dr. Bach said, we take the correct remedy and

"As the herbs heal our fears, our anxieties, our worries, our faults and our failings, it is these we must seek, and then the dis-ease, no matter what it is, will leave us."
Dr. Edward bach

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Cherry Plum: For The "Everyday Crazies"

photo by jhn

Cherry Plum is one of the five flower remedies used by Dr. Bach in his crisis intervention remedy (sold as "The Original Bach Rescue Remedy" in a health food store  near you or at a link online).

The key element of Cherry Plum appears as it intervenes as one  senses  they are "losing it" or "about to lose it" because  one is clearly in a high stress situation (aka: "crisis").

But it does not have to be a clearly "life or death" situation/"crisis". It might be a PMS day, or, a sudden unexpected unusual occurrence.  It is when one snaps, rants, raves unexpectedly, for cause/reason, or is on the verge of those types of reactions.   When one, in other words, is clearly not acting according to one's Best Self and everyone else and one's self is aware of that.

Fear is often at the bottom of the break out and break down of one's expressed feelings,The fear involved in the Cherry Plum experience (or, need for Cherry Plum experience) is "the fear of losing control."  We all have passed through these feelings at various times in our lives. To have Cherry Plum on hand, either in the Rescue Remedy combination or as an individual remedy on its own, relief is at hand.

*All articles, including "The Medicine Cabinet" articles, provide suggestions for various alternative possibilities for self help. Consulting with conventional medical practitioners is always understood as an avenue of healing which goes without saying, nor need for suggestion in our articles,  and our suggestions are never implying  that you should pursue health without conventional methods as also one of your choices, decisions and privileges as you pursue optimum health for yourself and loved ones.We take no responsibility for your decisions  adn personal choices in your pursuit of your  health.

Friday, February 14, 2014

"Be yourself: no one can ever say you are doing it wrong."--Elizabeth Wiley, BFRP

Teapot and Shamrocks
The title of this article is a quote from my first, and most beloved, teacher of the Original Bach Flower Remedies system of healing. 

The year was 2000. Listening to her gentle opening of her understanding of the Flowers to us was like sitting outside on a perfect summer day to me, even though there was quite a number of us in a class room in Pennsylvania.

Her gentleness was  part of who she was and she was doing herself perfectly.

She was a living hologram of balance and serenity, with many many singing flowers enlivening her soul.  She was what told me, by the way she spoke and moved, who and what the flowers are and what they do.
Bach Centre, Mount Vernon, England

"They bring us back to being Quite Ourselves again" to use a phrase of Dr. Bach's.

Grandmother reading story
Any one of her students (myself for an example) will never look like Elizabeth Wiley, however, if you would see and meet me. The Flowers have their singing working  in my soul, but it is My Soul they sing in, MY Soul that they create the harmonies and melody in. Without a doubt, I become again under the influence of my better self as I take my particular combination of Flowers four drops at a time or a few sips at a time (depending the method I am using). But, I always come back to being Me.  The Flowers never get Me wrong.


Happy picture of SNAIL, BUTTERFLY, FLOWER and HOUSE of happy grand daughter who is quite herself and the picture shows how sweet that Self  is

Granddaughter #5 was given Rescue Remedy  (cream and/or dilute form) if she would tumble or be bruised or frightened from her "toddling",  as toddlers have the habit of doing (falling, bruising, being startled and afraid).   Mommy would bring her Rescue Remedy, to sip(diluted) or apply as cream to the "oouwie". She always recovered quickly and got up and toddled on her way after her mother's ministrations. What became interesting to her mother and myself was that, through her tears and weeping,  she started on her own, to ask Mommy "I need my Remedy" and of course, she would get the Remedy, and quickly Become  Herself Quite again.  

Like that sweet grand daughter who wanted to get back to her toddling fearlessly and happily and freely, we all also want to be ourselves, our best selves, our happy selves, our courageous selves, our serene and hopeful selves. 

And again and again, whether it is Rescue Remedy or one's own special combinations, the  Bach Flower Remedies escort us back. To where we can never be wrong. Back to ourselves.

*All articles, including "The Medicine Cabinet" articles, provide suggestions for various alternative possibilities for self help. Consulting with conventional medical practitioners is always understood as an avenue of healing which goes without saying, nor need for suggestion in our articles,  and our suggestions are never implying  that you should pursue health without conventional methods as also one of your choices, decisions and privileges as you pursue optimum health for yourself and loved ones.We take no responsibility for your decisions  and personal choices in your pursuit of your  health.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

How Do I "Take" Flower Remedies: CONCENTRATE OR DILUTED?

Either Way: Always On Or Under The Tongue

You can  take remedies 'neat' (means, without diluting them). This is the most expensive way to use the  Original Bach Flower Remedies  and will taste strongly of brandy (unless you are using a stock remedy using glycerine as the base preservative). 

I do not recommend this. The effectiveness of the remedy is not changed: those same drops from the concentrate bottle  will be just as effective if you
dilute them.
Whether from  the stock bottle (the concentrate you buy on-line or at the store-- see picture to left)

 or diluted (made up in a 30 ml treatment bottles --see picture to right) 

you use the same number of drops: two (on or under your tongue) if you are using any of the individual remedies or four (on or under your tongue0 if you are taking the the pre-mixed emergency formula sold as Rescue Remedy. See picture below.

In either case, repeat as recommended
For long-term treatments 
(which would be what you use the individual remedy for) 
take the remedies -- four drops at a time -- at least four times a day

In a crisis, four drops of the Crisis (Rescue) Remedy are to be taken as often as needed, such as every five to fifteen minutes, until calm is restored.

photo by d. nadeau

 ! am giving mini workshops, lasting around 30 minutes at my consulting room, to help anyone interested in using the remedies and wanting a hands-on demonstration to facilitate getting started.
Hand-ots and take home treatment bottle included. 

*All articles, including "The Medicine Cabinet" articles, provide suggestions for various alternative possibilities for self help. Consulting with conventional medical practitioners is always understood as an avenue of healing which goes without saying, nor need for suggestion in our articles,  and our suggestions are never implying  that you should pursue health without conventional methods as also one of your choices, decisions and privileges as you pursue optimum health for yourself and loved ones.We take no responsibility for your decisions  adn personal choices in your pursuit of your  health.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Treat four feline behavioral problems with flower remedies

Article in Natural Cat on Flower Power for your Feline



See article by clicking HERE

or copying and pasting open url below:

*All articles, including "The Medicine Cabinet" articles, provide suggestions for various alternative possibilities for self help. Consulting with conventional medical practitioners is always understood as an avenue of healing which goes without saying, nor need for suggestion in our articles,  and our suggestions are never implying  that you should pursue health without conventional methods as also one of your choices, decisions and privileges as you pursue optimum health for yourself and loved ones.We take no responsibility for your decisions  adn personal choices in your pursuit of your  health.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Total Alternative Wellness and The Zen of Cancer

So, we are looking at the "shotgun" method of total wellness as I tell you about my thoughts, feelings, decisions and choices since the beginning of April this year.


A big pellet in my shotgun was a godson of mine, Jim Strieter, a NASA engineer who was diagnosed in his early twenties with cancer. He went through the conventional treatment and then it recurred. He had a type of psychic shift after the news of the recurrence and his cancer "disappeared." He thought to himself "how can I make that happen on purpose?" and being the scientist that he is, he has figured a lot of that "mystery" out.

He is now, along with his work at NASA,  a licensed therapist and healer using Huna (Hawaiian energy work), NLP , Reiki and  what is most important in a healer, thoughtfulness and compassion. He is a major player in my "shotgun cartridge shell box." See Jims' website HERE

I started listening to some relaxation CDs he made and is distributing (selling) which are outstanding. I read his book, The Zen of Cancer, and I enrolled in his The Ecology of Health program, an intensive over haul of my energetic components developed and used by me since childhood, some being very outdated and needing to be retired.

Here is one of our email interactions: 
"Hey Jonalea! I met John yesterday. John beat bladder cancer with an all green diet. I suggest you follow his blog. 

I'm following Beat Bladder Cancer and think you'll be interested in it as well. To check it out, follow the link below: 

This is another email correspondence between  my godson and myself:
"Dear Lea:
I am so happy you have met John.
Keep me posted.
Love, Jimmy"


to James
Thanks, JImmy. I like his information. 

However, my take is more the EAT RIGHT FOR YOUR TYPE.
 I get massive canker sores from eating oranges and drinking orange juice.
 I feel that for most of us, eliminating the foods that are absolutely making our bodies unhappy is key. 

Also, the reduction of acidic foods for the most part. 
And really figuring out what makes each of us truly happy.
Much love

It is interesting to see how one person (John) deals with his health, and how another (myself) deals with her health, and another (Jim) deals with his. Those of us learning to use alternative health remedies have as many different "ways" that we "do health" as there are individuals practicing. What we all do, however, IS tell one another what works for us and then, if it appeals to you, you might try it also.


When I heard about going "all green" I recoiled. I knew I  would HATE  that. 

I then determined I would do everything that I could do (or eat) in my power THAT I LIKED to do do or eat (such as eat LOTS of spinach because I love spinach), and if they (and there are a lot of "theys" for me) didn't work, at least I would die happy doing health enhancing things for myself that I liked to do instead of dying  from the side effects of  burning cutting and irradiation.

One thing I did do that wasn't  my favorite was the ph alteration was a real "nose wrinkler" for me , but somehow, looking at those test strips made me really happy and so you give a little and take a little. Isn't that life? ph TESTING WAS DAILY FOR ME.

So, I did not go "All Green" but I ate my fresh, raw spinach daily, tested my ph more than once per day, started having sessions with Jim, and began the jewel of my pellets in the shot gun showcase of mine:

Essiac Tea.

Because I had much experience with herbs (American, mainly) and understand how they work and what to do with them, I was very comfortable with beginning this amazing , healing tea that I had heard about several years ago. Now it was my turn. I got to try it for real. Big Time, here. Big Time. See following post which covers this subject

Next Point:

Remember, because I was diagnosed with a thermogram I have now a five year head start on any one who was diagnosed with a mammogram.  

Total Alternative Wellness.  Begins at the beginnings whenever possible.

Thermograms near you?  See THIS LINK for information about thermography and practitioners near you.  

In Cuyahoga County (Ohio) Duffy and Johnson Chiropractic offer Thermography as well as Dr. Sherry Tenpenny's  clinic near Strongsville,  and Preventive Wellness Affiliates in Westlake.


Treat the patient not the disease.

*All "The Medicine Cabinet" articles provide suggestions for various alternative possibilities for self help. Consulting with conventional medical practitioners is always understood as an avenue of healing which goes without saying, nor need for suggestion in our articles,  and our suggestions are never implying  that you should pursue health without conventional methods as also one of your choices, decisions and privileges as you pursue optimum health for yourself and loved ones.We take no responsibility for your decisions  and personal choices in your pursuit of your, and your pets', health.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

How Do I Get Started Using The Remedies?

Good Question!

Magnolia out my kitchen window  by jneider
There are many answers, many ways to get started, depending on your goal.

When I, myself, first read about the Bach Flower Remedy system of healing I decided immediately that I wanted to learn how to take the remedies for myself and be able to help family and friends also use the remedies. Therefore,  I bought the kit and enrolled in the Bach Foundation's correspondence course, which was called The Distance Learning Program. I bought the books that were recommended for the course and began immediately trying out different combinations on my self, my pets, my children and friends. 

There is now a correspondence course available to interested persons that will introduce one to the 38 remedies and if you contact me I can help you start in that way ( I also sell the full kit  if you are interested in ordering it from this blog.

One can also take a level one preparation course from a practitioner, such as myself, when one is available near where you live.

If one is not interested in learning about and becoming proficient in using the remedies one's self, one can then contact a practitioner for a personalized consultation. See my page CONSULTATIONS on this blog to learn about how a consultation works.

Others, I have been told, simply bought some books or checked them out of a library and became self taught and bought the concentration bottles that they decided were what they wanted to try.

It is a simple system, and tremendously effective. 

Treat the pateint not the disease

*All "The Medicine Cabinet" articles provide suggestions for various alternative possibilities for self help. Consulting with conventional medical practitioners is always understood as an avenue of healing which goes without saying, nor need for suggestion in our articles,  and our suggestions are never implying  that you should pursue health without conventional methods as also one of your choices, decisions and privileges as you pursue optimum health for yourself and loved ones.We take no responsibility for your decisions  and personal choices in your pursuit of your, and your pets', health.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Water has Memory

A wonderful study, finally: SEE LINK HERE

Dr. Bach might have had some inkling of this in the 1930's, but it has not been until very recently that any "scientific" breakthrough has been made to explain the mysterious effectiveness of Bach Flower Remedies.

My clients and students have heard this before, but I say it again:  please note:  the water is changed. There is NOTHING of the plant left in the water that is used as the Mother Tincture of each individual flower.

Thus, the original Bach Flower Remedies are imprinted   water   Again, the remedies that you buy as concentrates at your health food store have none of the plant material to  be found in  the concentrate.The effectiveness of the remedies has nothing to do with anything material. It is the power of imprinted ( "changed") water that is operating when we take the Original Bach Flowers, drop by drop.

Wonderfully, because of this, no allergic reaction can occur,  even if you  are  allergic to, let us say, Pine trees.

The only contraindication to taking the remedies by mouth from the concentrate or the diluted concentrate is if one has an  allergic reaction to brandy, the preservative Dr. Bach chose to use for his discoveries.


And now, today, there are even some remedies being processed that do not use brandy or any other alcohol for the preservative.