
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Rescue Remedy: BEFORE the Problem

from histomil clip art
The very first time  "Rescue Remedy" (it did not have its name at that time, of course) was used was to save the life of a drowning sailor after  a ship went down at sea. Thus, this combination remedy (the only combination remedy which Dr. Bach authorized to be used under his name)  is recommended by  Practitioners for "acute" stress situations, meaning  dire occurrences that happen one time only and are short lived.

Most often, therefore, Rescue Remedy is used during or after an obvious "crisis", but this article is emphasizing the times that we know something stressful is coming up and is discussing  here how to use it effectively to diminish or eliminate the

Impending Emotional Discomfort you know is ahead, such as repeated stressful incidents that occur at intervals like giving a speech or going to the dentist or stressful family interactions.

When you know a potentially stressful situation is looming on your schedule, I suggest that you start taking the RR at  frequent intervals anywhere from days to hours before the event.


See my article  here for the choice of which method to choose. You can continue with your personalized treatment remedies while you are using the RR for this individual event with no decrease in effectiveness as long as you are not taking more than 7 flower remedies at a time when the RR is included.


*All articles, including "The Medicine Cabinet" articles, provide suggestions for various alternative possibilities for self help. Consulting with conventional medical practitioners is always understood as an avenue of healing which goes without saying, nor need for suggestion in our articles,  and our suggestions are never implying  that you should pursue health without conventional methods as also one of your choices, decisions and privileges as you pursue optimum health for yourself and loved ones.We take no responsibility for your decisions  and personal choices in your pursuit of your  health.