
Sunday, November 11, 2012

A picture of the working corner of this Bach Flower Registered Practitioner's kitchen

photo by j neider

I use many vitamins and supplements along with my Bach Flower Remedies to maintain my well-being, and thought an un-modified view of a corner counter of mine could be a picture speaking a thousand words perhaps of how the Flower Remedies are an integrated part of my life.

Dr. Bach had intended his discoveries to become as common to every family as their growing of lettuce in their garden and when needing some lettuce, to pluck some and eat it and then when needing some Clematis or White Chestnut, to add a couple drops to the water glass for the day.

The mandate that Dr. Bach left Nora Weeks and Victor Bullen, and is carried and maintained by the Trustees of the Bach Centre in Mount Vernon, England, is that Practitioner's main job is to teach our clients how to become independent in their use and choices of the individual remedies and their combinations for themselves, their loved ones, as well as for their plants and pets.

My hope, desire and dream is that eventually every kitchen will have a corner similar to mine!
Treat the patient not the disease.---DR. EDWARD BACH

*All articles, including "The Medicine Cabinet" articles, provide suggestions for various alternative possibilities for self help. Consulting with conventional medical practitioners is always understood as an avenue of healing which goes without saying, nor need for suggestion in our articles,  and our suggestions are never implying  that you should pursue health without conventional methods as also one of your choices, decisions and privileges as you pursue optimum health for yourself and loved ones.We take no responsibility for your decisions  and personal choices in your pursuit of your  health.