
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Beech--Intolerance or Acceptance? A Remedy for our times

  1. The spectrum between intolerance at the far end of outright disgust with and prejudice against another person, place or thing and the inner subtle feeling of superiority and "better than" inward judgment between one's self and another all fall within the scope of the Bach Flower Remedy, Beech, in its negative state. 

    Whether discreet or in your face apparent, this state is not only hard on the people who are associated with someone carrying these thoughts and feelings, it is highly detrimental to the contentment and ultimate happiness of the one harboring this posture.
    Eventually, no one and nothing will meet the high standards of the negative  Beech state. The carrier of this energy is of course the ultimate standard in one's person or in the commonality of the group that no one else, or, no other group, can live up to or surpass. One becomes cut off eventually from the bulk of humanity and from seeing the beauty in the diversity of human life.

    Dr. Bach said of this state: It is obvious that none of us is in a position to judge or criticize others for the wisest of us sees or knows only the minutest fragment of the great scheme of all things,and we cannot judge, knowing so little, how the great plan will work. (from BLOOM by Stefan Ball, p.205).

    During an election year, we might find this state easily observable in our thoughts, and knowing that allowing them to grow is as harmful to one's serenity as a poison, we are thankful for an antidote, a balm. Beech opens us again to the acceptance of another's differences. Even to accept traits in others we do not like, without cutting them off or wanting them to change. The beauty in diversity is once again appreciated and valued and equanimity is restored. As gently and easily as four drops of this liquid magic four times per day from a treatment bottle will once again restore one to the person one chooses to be. Thank you Dr. Bach, and Beech. 

    photo by Karren Wcisel /


    *All articles, including "The Medicine Cabinet" articles, provide suggestions for various alternative possibilities for self help. Consulting with conventional medical practitioners is always understood as an avenue of healing which goes without saying, nor need for suggestion in our articles,  and our suggestions are never implying  that you should pursue health without conventional methods as also one of your choices, decisions and privileges as you pursue optimum health for yourself and loved ones.We take no responsibility for your decisions  and personal choices in your pursuit of your  health.