
Thursday, March 20, 2014

Cherry Plum: For The "Everyday Crazies"

photo by jhn

Cherry Plum is one of the five flower remedies used by Dr. Bach in his crisis intervention remedy (sold as "The Original Bach Rescue Remedy" in a health food store  near you or at a link online).

The key element of Cherry Plum appears as it intervenes as one  senses  they are "losing it" or "about to lose it" because  one is clearly in a high stress situation (aka: "crisis").

But it does not have to be a clearly "life or death" situation/"crisis". It might be a PMS day, or, a sudden unexpected unusual occurrence.  It is when one snaps, rants, raves unexpectedly, for cause/reason, or is on the verge of those types of reactions.   When one, in other words, is clearly not acting according to one's Best Self and everyone else and one's self is aware of that.

Fear is often at the bottom of the break out and break down of one's expressed feelings,The fear involved in the Cherry Plum experience (or, need for Cherry Plum experience) is "the fear of losing control."  We all have passed through these feelings at various times in our lives. To have Cherry Plum on hand, either in the Rescue Remedy combination or as an individual remedy on its own, relief is at hand.

*All articles, including "The Medicine Cabinet" articles, provide suggestions for various alternative possibilities for self help. Consulting with conventional medical practitioners is always understood as an avenue of healing which goes without saying, nor need for suggestion in our articles,  and our suggestions are never implying  that you should pursue health without conventional methods as also one of your choices, decisions and privileges as you pursue optimum health for yourself and loved ones.We take no responsibility for your decisions  adn personal choices in your pursuit of your  health.

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